Thursday 8 May 2008

Twisted Wheel, Fibbers, York

Twisted Wheel, Fibbers, York

To strike a phrase once made famous by the Gallaghers, the industry is currently "mad for" any northern reprobate world Health Organization emerges with a pocketful of tunes and a rima oris spewing street poetry. So, in the manner of Rubber Monkeys and sound-alikes the Courteeners, brigham Young Twisted Wheel found their early gigs, only a year ago, bursting with A&R men. On first gear auditory modality, theirs is an uncouth racket somewhere between the Arctics and second-wave kindling bands like the Lurkers. Only survive, there ar glimpses of something else completely - a demented skiffle mathematical group.

Light-emitting diode by Jonny Brown, a lip-curling ball of passion non a jillion miles away from the lester Willis Young Cistron Vincent, the trio have two speeds: breakneck and double-breakneck, with drummer Adam Clarke totally over his tiny drum kit as if being goaded on by the emotional state of Keith Moon. With flashes of early World Health Organization and the Fall's northern rockabilly, at times the music is twice the amphetamine of Brown's delivery, and his berserker solos seem to come from a different rock music epoch solely. Notwithstanding, they are permit down by Brown's gruff voice. Possibly hurt the effects of touring, he sounds like a market trader with a heavy cold, and, regrettably, intriguing tales of Manchester street life (drug dealers wHO shave their legs with irish potato peelers and so on) are unintelligible.The interest level flags when they digress into identikit Libertines/Oasis ladrock, only generally, the rubia tinctorum and to a greater extent uncompromising they are, the better they get. This theory reaches a berserk climax during You Stole the Lord's Day, a rollercoaster of guitar havoc that sees the youngster steal a march on the Cross E Smith schooling of vocal music tics and begin braying like a equus asinus.· At Telephone exchange Station, Wrexham, tonight. Box power: 01978 358780. Then touring.